Thursday 12 November 2015

Writing Challenge: Two Words That Make me Laugh

1. Douchebaggery.

Is this not the BEST. WORD EVER? Douchebag all by itself is marvellous - two syllables, that delicious "ch" sound and a hard end. Douche. Bag. Say it out loud. Feel how lovely that is on your tongue?

Douchebaggery is even MORE delicious, isn't it? As in, "I wish he'd quit his douchebaggery ways right now!" (Adjective) OR "Stop your douchebaggery this instant!" (verb-y type word)

It's a multipurpose, made-up piece of yum!

2. Moist

This is a word that many people loathe - their reactions to its use are swift and surprisingly fierce. I hadn't really thought about moist much until an online friend expressed her misgivings about it. A mad and hilarious thread soon followed and for years afterward, we'd tease her about it, the way sleep-deprived internet besties will do.

Even now, a  decade or so in, someone will occasionally post a Moist Meme on her Facebook wall and I always giggle when I see it.

With apologies to Brooke, whom I love.

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